P. 31
Sama Global HSE Plan December 2023
Hot work
Confined space entry
Line breaking
Area entry
Personnel basket
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A definition of the types of permits and corresponding procedures are developed and may be reviewed at:
The work permit systems assess specific potential hazards on a task‐by‐task basis. The information acquired
from this assessment is used to determine appropriate safe work practices and personal protective
equipment for the task.
10.14.4 Personal Protective Equipment
Hazard assessments to determine appropriate personal protection equipment are conducted by the front
line supervisors prior to each work assignment during the TSTI process. Project management and
supervision are responsible for ensuring that employees properly use the specified PPE.
Selection decisions and requirements are communicated to all employees through several means, including
formal training classes, new hire orientation, work permits, TSTI and weekly safety meetings.
Documentation of this communication is maintained on file and includes dates, names, and types of PPE
10.14.5 Hearing Conservation
High noise areas are marked according to a noise survey as follows:
Conducted by:
Hearing protection provided for this project consists of: _________________________________________
Hearing protectors are available at: __________________________________________________________
Audiometric testing is conducted annually, and the results of the tests are communicated to all affected
employees, with employee signatures as documentation. (Applicable to projects who follow the 1910.95
hearing conversation standard.)
10.14.6 Respiratory Protection
Respiratory protective equipment is available at: __________________________________.
The minimum requirements for respiratory protection are specified under the section titled Respiratory
Protection Program. All affected employees receive a physical assessment to determine their ability to wear
prescribed respiratory equipment prior to using it.
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