P. 29
Sama Global HSE Plan December 2023
♦ Safety Policy
♦ Plant emergency alarm/signal/phone number
10.11 Safety Enforcement Guidelines
Employee conduct or behavior that does not conform to safety rules and regulations is a very serious
matter. All infractions will result in action being taken. Due to the diversity of regulations and situations,
each case will be handled individually, with due consideration for:
Potential for imminent danger to personnel and/or equipment.
Injuries or equipment damage incurred.
The contribution of improper behavior (such as horseplay) to the incident.
Supervisors' prior knowledge of nonconformance.
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Safety enforcement action for violations that are deemed minor must be progressive, with the intent to
alter behavior with proper instruction and counseling. Therefore, the progressive actions below are for
minor violations only:
Verbal warning with counseling for first offense.
Written reprimand for second offense. The reprimand will become part of the employee's
personnel record. It includes all details of the incident and specifies the consequences of the third
offense. The employees' and his/her supervisor's signatures are required.
♦ The Sama Global counseling guidelines and documentation are used, as prescribed by the Human
Resources Department.
For safety incidents or behaviors that are deemed to be serious, or when progressive action has not
produced the desired result, consequences are time off without pay or termination of employment.
Repeated safety incidents in manager’s or supervisor’s functional area or incidents stemming from a
manager’s and/or supervisor’s failure to identify safety deficiencies and implement appropriate
corrective measures may result in disciplinary action in accordance with the enforcement guidelines for
10.12 Safety Award Program
Project Recognition Awards: The project will be presented with safety plaques for achieving the
following safety milestones:
Working one million man‐hours (or multiples) without a lost time injury.
Working one year (or multiples) without a lost time injury.
Working one year (or multiples) without a recordable injury.
Working Incident/Injury‐Free.
Employee Recognition Award
The project shall implement a program that is designed to recognize employees for their
individual safe performance.
The program will be revised periodically to ensure employee interest and participation.
10.13 Subcontractors and Suppliers
Suppliers for this project are:
♦ _______________________________________________________________________
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