P. 55
Sama Global HSE Plan December 2023
In lieu of lifelines, personnel may secure safety lanyards to substantial structural steel members,
pipe and pipe supports. Personnel shall avoid securing lanyards to cable tray, conduits, small bore
pipe less than 2" in diameter, screw pipe, and insulated pipe.
17.6 Permanent Structures/Stairs/Caged Ladders
All personnel are required to wear an approved full body safety harness and shock absorbing
lanyards if the personnel are working or traveling in complete permanent structures where fall
protection hazards exist, such as floor openings and open sided floors, and must be properly tied‐off
within six feet (6') of any fall exposure.
Priority shall be given to installation and securing of permanent floors and walking surfaces and all
guardrails and other permanent fall protection devices.
Temporary guard rails and floor covers shall be installed to reduce risks of fell exposures.
Only personnel responsible for steel erection are allowed on elevated floors with fall exposures (i.e.
‐ floor openings or open sided floor*), unless permission has been granted for other personnel to be
working around areas of fall exposure. Such parties shall exercise extreme caution and coordinate
their work in this area with the Competent Person or persons in charge of the permanent structure.
Permanent stairs, when completed, will be used to access or egress elevated work areas.
Caged ladders do not require secondary fall protection, as the cage is a fall protection device.
Personnel climbing ladders must keep both hands free for climbing at all times.
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17.7 Structural Steel Erection
Personnel erecting structural steel shall achieve the objective of 100% fall protection through use of
safety harness/lanyards, retractable life lines connects tools and aerial lifts .JLG snorkel .etc.
Access to structural steel shall be through the use of ladders, aerial lifts or other approved personnel
hoisting devices. Climbing of structural steel members such as columns and diagonal braces will not
be allowed.
Prior to and during horizontal lifeline placement structural personnel shall crawl (coon) steel
members with lanyards secured around said members. Retractable lifelines secured at elevations
above the point of operation may be used in some application* to provide fall protection prior to
availability of horizontal lifelines.
♦ When lanyard lengths longer than standard are required due to large steel members the Sama
Global Site HSE Department shall be contacted to approve methods for obtaining the additional length.
17.8 Reinforcement Steel/Concrete Form Work
Personnel working on rebar walls, piers and on concrete form walls must have methods in place as
set forth herein to achieve 100% fall protection objectives.
This fall protection can be achieved through the use of retractable lifelines, static lifeline and rope
grabs or use of double lanyards.
Personnel working rebar or formed walls and elevated piers generally require a work positioning
lanyard (cannot be used for fall protection) and a fall protection lanyard.
On vertical rebar walls the safety lanyard shall be secured at a point above the workers head, either
to a lifeline or a horizontal section of rebar.
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