P. 54
Sama Global HSE Plan December 2023
Personnel climbing a portable ladder, which are not tied off at the top, must have another
person hold the ladder at the bottom until it can be secured. This includes the last trip down
after untying a ladder at the top.
Upon climbing to the elevation where the task is to be performed the person on the ladder shall
properly secure their safety lanyard. Next, the ladder must be tied off before work can begin.
When the task is complete, the process is reversed, the safety lanyard being the last protective
device released prior to descent.
ﻤﯿـــــﺔSﺎﻟAﻟﻌMﺎ اAـــGﻤــLﺳOBAL17.4 Temporary Lifting/Hoisting Devices
Every effort shall be made to ensure all temporary platforms/walkways are equipped with solid decks free of
openings and standard guardrail systems. Personnel working from temporary platforms or traveling on
temporary catwalks shall have their safety lanyard secured to a lifeline of structure capable of supporting
5400 pounds impact loading.
Every temporary work platform or walkway must be provided with a safe means of access/egress, which
allows personnel to remain tied off at all times. Retractable lifelines shall be used to achieve fall protection
while ascending or descending access ladders to temporary work platforms or walkways.
17.4.1 Personnel Lifts/Hoisting Devices
Aerial Lifts (JLG, Scissors, Snorkel, Etc.)
Personnel riding in or working from these lifts must secure their safety lanyard to the lift basket
at all times.
Lifts shall be placed on solid level surfaces so as to eliminate the possibility of overturning.
Crane Hoisted Personnel Baskets
Use of these devices shall comply with the safety procedures set forth by Sama Global at a
minimum, or Safety Procedure, whichever is more stringent. All baskets shall be approved and a
permit issued by Sama Global HSE prior to use.
Personnel riding in or working from personnel baskets must have their lanyard secured to the
basket when aloft.
Personnel riding inside enclosed elevator cars are not required to secure their safety lanyard.
17.5 Skeletal Steel/Open Structures
This section deals with fall protection when personnel are required to gain access to travel and work
in skeletal steel/open structures such as pipe racks. This includes traveling on or working on any
elevated surface which is not designed as a personal work surface or walk way (e.g. pipe cable tray,
Personnel working or traveling in elevated skeletal steel/open structure* shall secure their lanyards
to a lifeline or structure capable of supporting 5400 pounds at all times to support the 100% fall
Adequate lifeline system will be provided skeletal/open structures to support the 100% fall
protection objective for personnel working or traveling in these structures.
Vertical travel in these structures shall consist of properly placed and secured access ladders
equipped with retractable lifelines. Personnel climbing or descending these ladders shall secure
these retractable lifelines to their safety harnesses while using the ladder.
Revision B For Sama Global Use Only Page 52 of 60