P. 10
Sama Global HSE Plan December 2023
If the improvement is accepted, HSE revises and approves the affected sections of the procedures/desk
manual and forwards the revisions to the manual holders.
Sama Global complies with all applicable laws and relevant industry standards of practice concerning
protection of employees’ health and safety in the work place and other persons affected by its business
activities and the protection of the environment. Protection of health, safety, and the environment is a
primary goal of the Company and management shall take such actions as are reasonable and necessary to
achieve such a goal and carry out this policy.
All Sama Global employees will conduct their duties and responsibilities in a manner that is compatible with
achieving these goals and carrying out this policy. Sama Global will work with employees, clients,
contractors, suppliers, partners and customers and with the communities in which it operates to achieve
these goals and carry out these policies.
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7.1 Administration
Sama Global's HSE policy shall be implemented under the auspices of the Committee of the Board of
Directors. The Committee will establish procedures and guiding principles as it deems necessary to carry
out this policy. Sama Global shall establish and maintain self‐assessment and audit programs sufficient to
provide management and the Committee with reports and other information concerning the company’s
compliance with HSE policy.
The Chief Executive Officer of the Company shall designate a senior officer as the Chief Health, Safety, and
Environment Officer (Chief HSE Officer), who will oversee the administration of HSE policy and shall make
recommendations to the Committee has he/she shall deem appropriate to carry out policy and achieve its
The Chief HSE Officer reports to the HSE Committee at least once each month concerning the Company’s
compliance with this policy and the activities administered by the Chief HSE Officer.
7.2 Guiding Principles
♦ Sama Global, its divisions and subsidiaries, will protect the health and safety of all persons affected by
our business activities, and protect the environment in all of our operations.
♦ Health, safety, and environment excellence is a primary management objective and the
responsibility of every Sama Global employee.
♦ Sama Global is dedicated to continuous efforts to make its operations compatible with protecting people,
property, and the environment.
♦ Sama Global is committed, on a global basis, to achieving health, safety, and environmental excellence in
all of our business practices and operations.
♦ Sama Global's HSE policy is implemented through the following ten guiding principles, with the oversight
of the Committee of the Board of Directors, and in conjunction with the Sama Global Code of
Business Conduct.
7.2.1 Commitment
Management at all levels of the Company will be actively committed to the achievement of health, safety,
and environmental excellence in the conduct of our business. Every manager shall demonstrate
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