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Sama Global HSE Plan December 2023
ﻤﯿـــــﺔSﺎﻟAﻟﻌMﺎ اAـــGﻤــLﺳOBALcommitment to this goal and shall strive to provide adequate resources to achieve this goal and follow these
principles. Through communication with our employees, it is our goal to ensure that the Company
commitment to health, safety, and environmental excellence is reflected in day to day operations.
7.2.2 Organization
We will maintain and enhance a company‐wide organizational structure and culture that recognizes and
encourages the full and active participation of all employees in the systematic management of health,
safety, and environmental issues. We will also enhance a culture that allows for the transfer of
information and best practices across all levels of Sama Global.
7.2.3 Accountability
Achievement of health, safety, and environmental excellence depends heavily on the continuing
participation and accountability of management. Responsibility for health and safety and the protection of
the environment is a matter of corporate policy and is a matter of law, with potentially severe consequences
for failure to comply. Management at all levels is responsible for ensuring that operations are conducted in
accordance with this policy and that appropriate health, safety and environmental programs, procedures
and systems of work have been developed and implemented for each facility and operation under their
7.2.4 Management and Standards
We will develop, implement and continuously improve effective health, safety, and environmental
management systems and develop standards that reflect best industry practices. We will extend out
knowledge by conducting or supporting research where practicable on the health, safety, and
environmental effects of our products, work practices, processes, services and waste materials.
7.2.5 Risk Management
We will ensure that potential health, safety, and environmental risks associated with all our activities are
assessed as early as is practicable in order to minimize and manage adverse effects and to identify
opportunities for improvement. Sama Global will strive to eliminate or manage any foreseeable hazards
that may endanger health, safety or the environment.
7.2.6 Legislative Compliance
We will operate to standards that will comply with the requirements of appropriate national and
international legislation and codes of practice and will strive beyond compliance and recognize these
principles as a valued way of life. We will participate with governments and others in creating responsible
laws, regulations and standards to help safeguard the workplace, community and environment. Where no
regulatory controls exist, we shall adopt and impose our own health, safety, and environmental standards in
accordance with relevant industry standards of practice.
7.2.7 Training
Training is an essential element of HSE excellence. Health, safety, and environmental officer and staff will
be qualified by reason of education or experience to discharge their responsibilities and will participate in a
program of continuing professional development. In addition, Sama Global is committed to provide
training and development on health, safety, and environmental matters that are appropriate to each
employee’s job duties and responsibilities. The management of each of the operating groups shall take
steps to assure that appropriate training is conducted on a regular basis.
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