P. 16
Sama Global HSE Plan December 2023
9.3.4 Site Safety & Health Plan
The site health, safety and environmental plan is developed using the Maintenance/construction/operations
hazard analysis and applicable safety standards. It is approved by the Director of Operations, and the Sama
Global HSE Manager. The plan is then approved by the committee of Board of Directors.
9.3.5 Task Hazards and Daily Planning
As hazardous tasks such as toxic substance use, exposure to hazards not previously identified, etc., are
identified during a supervisor's weekly planning, safe procedures are developed to address these hazards.
These procedures are included in the weekly tool box safety meetings and TSTI prior to starting a task.
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9.4 Personnel Requirements
9.4.1 Personnel Screening
Physical capacities, job skills and hazard awareness of employees must be consistent with the assigned
tasks, enabling them to work without endangering their own well‐being or that of others.
In recognition of Sama Global's policy of accident prevention, the hiring of employees who can safely
perform all assigned work is mandatory. Where appropriate, this is accomplished through a pre‐
employment physical and careful, thorough, systematic consideration of the applicant's capabilities/
abilities. All applicants are expected to perform the essential functions of the job, and Sama Global will
comply with the ADA standard and if feasible, will institute reasonable accommodations.
All personnel assigned to or working on the project site are required to be drug and alcohol free as indicated
in the Drugs of Abuse and Alcohol policy and screening guidelines, Craft personnel assigned to the project
site are required to meet physical fitness requirements as preserved in the pre‐employment physical exam.
Included in this exam are the following:
Drug screen
Medical history
Physical examination
Applicants are evaluated as to their craft skills and experience prior to screening and hired/placed according
to their skill levels and skill tests (where required). Those applicants meeting these requirements must also
complete the project safety orientation as part of new employee processing.
9.4.2 Contractors Selection
Sama Global must make certain that contractors recognize and accept their responsibility to perform
safely by requiring the contractor to participate actively in a formal safety program.
The Operation Manager, in conjunction with the Sama Global Manager of contracts and HSE Manager, are
responsible for determining the appropriate degree of Sama Global involvement and control necessary to
promote safe contractor performance. The determination is based on the size and hazards of the
contracted work and the potential impact of unsafe practices on employee safety and health, project
costs and schedule. The following represents some of the evaluation criteria:
Past HSE performance
Safety attitude
Present programs and practices
Ability to achieve expected safety performance
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