P. 17
Sama Global HSE Plan December 2023
If the project is awarded, it is required to do the following:
Present a HSE program for contractor review that incorporates a site HSE manual including those of
the committee.
Designate a responsible, knowledgeable supervisor or safety officer to coordinate safety on site.
Attend and participate in joint client / Company safety meetings.
Participate in safety audits.
Establish, along with client, lines of communication at all levels so that safe work practices are
understood and implemented by both parties.
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9.5 Orientation, Education and Training
This section outlines most of the basic types of information and training required for all employees,
supervisors prior to the start of site work and provided throughout the duration of the project.
Comprehension of the material presented will be assured through testing where required or deemed
necessary for safety.
9.5.1 New Employee Orientation
The project orientation program for employees and supervisors includes all new workers regardless of the
number of years worked in the industry. It covers every person new to Sama Global, new to a particular
project site or only new to a crew. The orientation is given before employees begin work. The orientation
is tailored to the project based upon the types of potential hazards, state and local laws and the client's
requirements. The effectiveness of the orientation is enhanced greatly by the active participation of senior
project supervision.
The orientation is presented as part of the overall project orientation given by the project staff. The
information and training given includes, but is not limited to, the following:
♦ Sama Global HSE policy
♦ Safety handbook (where provided)
♦ Reporting of hazards
♦ Types of personal protective equipment required and their usefulness
♦ Project site rules of personal safety and conduct
♦ Facility HSE rules and regulations, including smoking regulations
♦ Fire prevention
♦ Confined‐space entry procedures
♦ First aid and worker's compensation procedures
♦ Medical emergency information
♦ Employee right‐to‐know law ‐ hazardous substances
♦ Employee access to medical and exposure records
♦ Tool Box Safety Meetings
♦ Emergency warning and evacuation signals
♦ Employee disciplinary practices
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