P. 20
Sama Global HSE Plan December 2023
♦ Project site Work Rules
♦ Personal Protective Equipment
♦ Electrical
♦ Hand and Portable Power Tools
♦ Material Handling and Storage
♦ Excavation and Trenching Requirements (where applicable)
♦ Cranes
♦ Motor Vehicles and Heavy Equipment
♦ Ladders
♦ Scaffolding
♦ Barricades and Barricade Tape
♦ Steel and Pipe Erection
♦ Welding and Burning Operations
♦ Abrasive Blasting
♦ Demolition
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9.6.1 Vehicles and Equipment
Vehicle and equipment failure or misuse is a major source of accidents, injury and property damage. Thus,
strict guidelines on vehicle and equipment use, inspection, maintenance, operator certification and
equipment operations will be instituted. These guidelines may include the following:
Prior to project start, the equipment planning phase includes analysis of equipment needs,
employee’s recommendations and qualifications, and operator assessment.
Periodic equipment inspections and maintenance are scheduled. Records of all inspections and
maintenance are completed and maintained for review and approval.
The qualifications of all operators of heavy equipment are tested, reviewed and documented. This
review includes the successful completion of a written test and a practical operating examination
administered by competent and authorized personnel, and a training session on operator
responsibilities, familiarity with and comprehension of all safety and legal requirements, and
manufacturer's operating and maintenance manuals.
9.6.2 Hazard Operations and Work Permits
To monitor and control potentially hazardous work on the project site, work permits are required to
perform work of any nature within the limits of any processing unit or in new construction where special
hazards may occur. Permits are issued by the client only after verified compliance with applicable safety
Specifications for compliance include but are not limited to the following:
Locating all buried utilities or pipelines before excavation.
Purging, steaming or draining vessels or pipelines to free them of gas and positively checking prior to
Providing adequate ventilation of confined areas.
Covering all sewers and cleaning the area of combustible or flammable materials.
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