P. 48
Sama Global HSE Plan December 2023
Site Supervisor shall investigate all serious near misses, severe or potentially serious Incidents, and provide
an investigative report in accordance with of these Guidelines.
11.24 Hazard Communication
Site Supervisor shall have a Communication Program in place before coming onto the worksite. The
program shall comply with the applicable company and or Client standards,
Site Supervisor shall obtain HSE dept approval before introducing any hazardous materials,
substances or chemicals onto any Sama Global jobsite. Such materials shall be properly labeled
and strictly controlled. Storage and use must comply with the Material Safety Data Sheet
11.25 Fire Protection
Site Supervisor will be given a copy of the worksite fire procedure and be oriented by safety
coordinator on the alarm and evacuation procedures, personnel shall ensure thoroughly familiar
with those procedures.
♦ Smoking will be permitted only in areas designated by Sama Global. Employees shall furnish and maintain
Suitable metal butt cans for its employee's use in such areas.
♦ Smoking by a employee in any non‐designated area shall be considered cause to require disciplinary
action up to and including exclusion of the employee from the jobsite.
♦ Storage and use of flammable materials will be subject to Sama Global's approval. UL (Underwriters
Laboratories) approved safety cabinets or proper outside storage facilities and cans shall be used
for storing and dispensing flammable liquids and must have prior Sama Global approval.
Hole watch/Fire watch personnel shall be properly trained and know the responsibilities of each
Project shall furnish a sufficient number of fire extinguishers to protect its work area in accordance
with Sama Global, Client and governmental standards. All fire extinguishers shall be inspected
according to their inspection policy, which shall be made available to Sama Global, as well as in
compliance with all local fire and safety codes.
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11.26 Burning and Welding Equipment
All oxy‐fuel burning and welding units shall be equipped with combination check valve‐flashback
arresters installed between the regulator and the hoses, and between the hoses and the torch. Each
check valve‐flashback arrester shall be maintenance checked, as directed by the manufacturer.
All users of oxy‐fuel burning and welding equipment shall be trained in safe operating techniques.
Burning and cutting equipment shall be checked daily before use. All gas shall be shut off and hoses
disconnected from bottles or manifolds at the end of each day. Caps shall be replaced on bottles
when gauges are removed. Makeshift field repairs will not be allowed.
Company shall post a sign, of a size and with content consistent with the size, nature and duration of
the contract, Identifying its site headquarters, which may be an office, trailer, tool box , or storage
Project's employees shall park In the designated parking area.
Revision B For Sama Global Use Only Page 46 of 60