P. 47
Sama Global HSE Plan December 2023
11.21 Connections to Power Source
All electrical tie‐in's shall be coordinated and approved by electrical dept.
Electrical conductors shall not be connected to a power source, without approval from a designated
11.22 Material Handling and Storage
11.22.1 Transporting Loads
Loads shall be adequately secured against displacement when being transported by vehicle or
Loads which project in front, back, or to the side of vehicles or equipment shall be flagged for
11.22.2 Mechanical Handling/Lifting
Know the weight of the object to be handled and the capacity of the lifting device you intend to use.
Use proper rigging with tag lines to control the load.
Where signals shall be used, be sure that they are clear to the equipment operator and only one
person directs the lift.
Pipe, scaffold poles, conduit, and similar material shall be rigged with two wraps minimum of the
choker or sling.
Loads shall not be hoisted or swung over any person(s) head.
NOTE: Training is required before using or aiding in the use of mechanical handling/lifting
11.22.2 Material Storage
Material shall be stored in an orderly and stable fashion and kept clear of work areas and traffic
Pipe and similar materials shall be choked with at least two wraps.
Flammable and combustible materials shall be stored at least 5O feet from hot work or other source
of ignition. Fire extinguishers shall be provided at least 25 feet from, but no more than 75 feet from
said storage.
Flammable liquids shall be stored in containers marked as such and labeled as to contents. Signs
indicating 'no smoking within 50 feet" shall be posted.
Flammable liquids other than in bulk storage shall be kept in approved safety cans.
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11.23 Incident/Injury Management
Site Supervisor shall ensure prompt, quality medical care for injured personnel in their respective sites:
All incidents are reported immediately.
Proper transport is provided for the injured personnel to the designated first aid facility, clinic or
Continuous follow‐up with the injured to assure proper injury management and that minor
injuries/incidents do not become severe due to neglect.
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